Helping discover the critical link between what you eat, and how you feel, is what Susan Campbell-Fournel is all about. She is former school psychologist, a trained counsellor, with 30 years of experience who holds a Master of Educational Psychology from McGill University, and is a certified L.E.A.N. health educator and coach. She became interested in nutrition and its impact on performance and achievement while working with elementary school children and young athletes.
Working with children, adolescents and adults to achieve nutritional excellence and a healthy lifestyle has been her focus the past 10 years. As a consultant she has provided stress management training programs for managers of Fortune 500 companies, with an emphasis on exercise and nutrition. As co-owner of a LHJMQ franchise, Susan also mentored elite young athletes to achieve their goals through a balance of skill development, nutritional awareness and mental focus.
Susan is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and realize their purpose in life. The key element is understanding the role nutrition plays in the journey towards optimal achievement..Having worked with youth to achieve academically and athletically, Susan has found the L.E.A.N. workshops and programs to be the optimal solution for developing a sustainable healthy lifestyle for individuals and families.